The Video Game Project

A Closer Look At The Prototypes That Became Your Favourite Games!


Aladdin - Game BoyDisney's Aladdin is a platform video game developed and published by Virgin Games based on the 1992 film of the same name. The Game Boy received a reworked port of the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive version. Development for the Sega version of the game began in January 1993, with a team of ten animators working on the animation frames. The work was then shipped to Virgin's California facility to be digitized.

The game used traditional animation, which was produced by Disney animators under the supervision of Virgin's animation staff, including animation producer Andy Luckey, technical director Paul Schmiedeke and animation director Mike Dietz, using an in-house "Digicel" process to compress the data onto the cartridge. Virgin was given the deadline of October 1993 to complete production as to coincide with the home video release of the film. This deadline left Virgin with about three-quarters the normal amount of time to build a game.

Aladdin - Game Boy - Front

Proto - Front

Aladdin - Game Boy - PCB

Proto - PCB

Aladdin - Game Boy - Back

Proto - Back
